2022/1 ~ Chair Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2020/11-2021/12: Adjunct Professor, Cleveland State University
2008/8-2020/8: Professor, The University of Akron
2002/8-2008/8: Associate Professor, The University of Akron
Associate Editor, Mechanics Research Communications (MRC) (2012-)
Member, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica (2015-)
Member, Journal of Modeling in Mechanics and Materials (2016-)
Member, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (EABE) (2009-)
Member, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, AMM (English Edition) (2018-)
Member, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics and Engineering)-JZUS-A (2019-)
Fellow of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE);
Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME);
Outstanding Research Medal for “contributions to boundary element methods” by 2015 ICCES (International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering & Sciences);
Outstanding Research Award, 2009, College of Engineering, The University of Akron;
Outstanding Teacher Award, 2019, College of Engineering, The University of Akron.