The Department and Institute's facilities are as following: The Structural and Material Laboratory, Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Dynamic Soil Testing Laboratory, Rock Mechanics Laboratory, Retaining Wall Modeling System, Concrete Chemical Analysis Laboratory, Concrete Structures and Components Durability Laboratory, Concrete Mechanics Laboratory, Fireproof Material Laboratory, Fluid Machanics Laboratory, Ocean and Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, Sediment Transport Laboratory, River Engineering Laboratory, Surveying Laboratory, Construction Automation Laboratory, Computer Room and Departmental Library.To meet the research needs, the Building of Civil and Structural Engineering Laboratories was established in 1996. The five story reinforced concrete structure has a full one-level basement. The bearing walls of the strong floor, hydraulic pumps associated with testing machines and other electro-mechanical facilities are stored in the basement. The ground floor houses a large scale Structural Testing Laboratory, a Foundation Modeling Laboratory and Meterial Testing Laboratories. The large scale Structural Testing Laboratory is located in a five story high bay area 20m long and 15m wide, equipped with a 1m thick strong floor and a 13m wide, 12.5m high reaction wall. This experimental facility is capable of handling large scale structural model testing. The strong floor and the reaction wall are equipped with 50 ton capacity threaded bores to fasten testing equipment and specimens. A crane capable of handling 20 ton load is available in the large scale Structural Testing Laboratory. Various types of other research and teaching laboratories are located in the rest of the building from the second to the fifth floor. These include Geotechnical Engineering and Fluid Mechanics Loboratories.
The Department and Institute's facilities are as following: The Structural and Material Laboratory, Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Dynamic Soil Testing Laboratory, Rock Mechanics Laboratory, Retaining Wall Modeling System, Concrete Chemical Analysis Laboratory, Concrete Structures and Components Durability Laboratory, Concrete Mechanics Laboratory, Fireproof Material Laboratory, Fluid Machanics Laboratory, Ocean and Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, Sediment Transport Laboratory, River Engineering Laboratory, Surveying Laboratory, Construction Automation Laboratory, Computer Room and Departmental Library.
To meet the research needs, the Building of Civil and Structural Engineering Laboratories was established in 1996. The five story reinforced concrete structure has a full one-level basement. The bearing walls of the strong floor, hydraulic pumps associated with testing machines and other electro-mechanical facilities are stored in the basement. The ground floor houses a large scale Structural Testing Laboratory, a Foundation Modeling Laboratory and Meterial Testing Laboratories. The large scale Structural Testing Laboratory is located in a five story high bay area 20m long and 15m wide, equipped with a 1m thick strong floor and a 13m wide, 12.5m high reaction wall. This experimental facility is capable of handling large scale structural model testing. The strong floor and the reaction wall are equipped with 50 ton capacity threaded bores to fasten testing equipment and specimens. A crane capable of handling 20 ton load is available in the large scale Structural Testing Laboratory. Various types of other research and teaching laboratories are located in the rest of the building from the second to the fifth floor. These include Geotechnical Engineering and Fluid Mechanics Loboratories.
Numerous research projects sponsored by government agencies and private industries are carried out in these laboratories.
Structural Testing Laboratory
MTS 1000KN and 500 KN Structure Testing System, 3m x 3m Uni-axial Earthquake Simulator, 400 Ton Reaction Frame, 20m x 15m Strong Floor, 13m x 12.5m Reaction Wall, 20 Ton Crane.
Material Laboratory
Constant Temperature and Humidity Room, Controlled/Programmable Temperature and Humidity Chamber, Spectrophometer, Concrete Coring Machine, Concrete Slicing Mading, Accelerated Corrosion Machine, Creep, Permeability, Shrinkage, Steam Curing Chamber, Surface Grinding Machine, Vibrating Table, MTS 810 Dynamic Material Test System, Ultrasonics, Dynamic Modulus Equipment, Concrete Resistance, Potentialstat.
Construction Material Laboratory
Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus, Test for Normal Consistency of Cement, Test for Time of Setting, Test for Flow Table, Test for Compressive Strength of Cement Mortars, Test for Tensile Strength of Cement Mortars, Test for Moisture and Specific Gravity of Aggregate, Sieve Analysis of Aggregate, Test for Unit Weight and Void in Aggregate, Test for Slump of Concrete, LosAngels Abrasion Machine, Compression Testing Machine, Universal Tesing Machine, Dry Oven,. Test for Permeability of Concrete.
Coast Hydraulic Laboratory
Wave Generated Basin (2-D), Wave Generated Flume (1-D), Wave Gauge, Pressure Gauge, Velocimeter, Data Acquisition System.
Ocean Engineering Laboratory
Wave Flume, Capacity Wave Gauges, Amplifier, Personal Computer, Servo-Step Motors, Data Ac-quisition and Control System.
Fluid Mechanics Teaching Laboratory
Pressure Center Test, Discharge Measurement Apparatus, Flow Over Weir/Notch Apparatus, Vortex Test, Jet Impact Apparatus, Head Loss Measurement of Pipe System, Pipe Friction Test, Venturi Tube, Hele-Shaw Apparatus, Reynolds Number Experiment Apparatus, Open-Channel Flow Flume, Pelton Turbine Model, Validation Model of Bernoulli Equation.
Sediment Transport Laboratory
Adjustable Slope Flume, Steep Slope Flume, Meander Flume, 3-D Velocimeter, Data Acquisition System, Sieve Analysis Apparatus.
Soil Mechanics Laboratory
Atterberg Limit Apparatus, Proctor Compaction Equipment, One-Dimensional Consolidation Apparatus, Direct Shear Equipment, Permeameter, Triaxial Test Equipment, Unconfined Compression Test Equipment.
Soil Dynamics Loboratory
Dynamic Triaxial Test Equipment, Torsional Shear Equipment, Air Compressor, Soil Sample Extruder, Personal Computer, Automatic Compaction Equipment, Signal Amplifier, Data Aquisition System.
Rock Mechanics Laboratory
MTS 815 Rock Triaxial Testing System, Rock Creep Testing System, Ultrasonic Testing System, Acoustic Emission Testing System, ELE Rock Triaxial Testing System, Thermal Conductivity Testing System, Direct Tensile Grips, Direct Shear Testing System, Equipment for Index and Physical Properties, Stereoscopic and Polarizing Microscopes, Rock Sample Preparing System.
Construction AutomationLaboratory
Bar-code Reader and Printer; Automated Data Acquistion System; Sound Level Meter; Quality Sensors for Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, pH, etc.; Digital Canera; Scanner; Color Printer; PC ´ 6; Primavera Project Planner 2.0 for Windows 95; Microsoft Project; Allegro Common Lisp.
Surveying Laboratory
Theodolite (Wild T2, Nikon NT2CD), Electronic Theodolite (ZEISS Elita4, Nikon NE-20S), Plane Table, Stereoscope, Digital Level (Leica NA2002), Total Station (Leica TM1100, Geodimeter GDM610), Automatic Level (Nikon AX-1, Wild NK1, Nikon E5), GPS Receivers, Map Cabinet, Electronic Dry Stogage. Software: Geodyn II, GAMIT, Bernese, GPPS, GMT3.0.
Computer Center
Sun SPARC Workstation ´ 3, HP 700/9000 Workstation ´ 2, DEC Alpha Workstation, Intel Pentium PC ´ 25, Intel 386/486 PC ´ 25, Tek Color Printer, Laser Printer, Color Scanner. Software: ArcInfo, GRASS.
Departmental Library
Containing Civil Engineering related thesis, books and periodicals of about 3,000, open daily to students. Moreover, we provide video equipment and tapes as auxiliary materials to be used in the classes. There is also a cozy study room open to all the students in the Department.
Fifth Floor
Laboratory for Research on Earthquake Engineering
Fourth Floor
Composites Concrete Laboratory
Structure Automatic Monitoring Laboratory
Third Floor
Environmental Laboratory
Elevated Land Mechanics Laboratory
Geological Measurement Laboratory
First Floor
Civil Materials Laboratory
MTS Triaxial Rock Laboratory
Foundation Model Laboratroy
HPC Laboratory
Structural Power Laboratory